Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 1 in Review

The week went by super quick!

I want to highlight the memorable parts of the week.

1. Burning pearl onions 
I turned away from the stove for a moment and I managed to burn the pearl onions. I also learned that I need to peel off a few more layers before I cook them a l'étuvée.

2. Taillage is a bitch!
There is an art in knife work. Vegetables need to be cut a certain way for two reasons: to cook evenly at the same rate and to enhance the visual appeal of the dish. So, basically, I need to practice, practice, practice. Onions and shallots are usually cut either ciseler or émincer. Cubed vegetables are macédoined (0.5 sq. cm) or brunoised (1~4 sq mm).  The stick forms before they are cubes are called jardinière and julienne respectively.

3. Chef Jacques Pepin is so sweet!

4. Food Safety lesson was boring. But yes, I KNOW, IT'S IMPORTANT!

5. Chef John Besh likes to make fun of his sous chefs. 
While cooking, he made fun of his sous chefs.  We then got to taste his incredibly delicious "Alain's Soupe de Poissons" and "Pear Clafoutis with Pear Eau de Vie." Those recipes are in his new book: "Cooking from the Heart."

6. Vegetables, Herbs, and Spices, Oh My!
The first dish, Ratatouille, my partner and I made was under-seasoned and started to blacken. So, the next day at home, I did a re-do. Like they say, if you first don't succeed, try, try again.

The second dish, Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Timbale with Apple and Vinaigrette, was delish! I like goat cheese. And yet again, taillage is a bitch. My beets and apples were cut too big. But I make a fierce vinaigrette.

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